How to control keyboard light on Linux
Check your devices
ls /sys/class/leds/
asus::kbd_backlight input11::capslock input32::capslock
enp3s0-0::lan input11::compose input32::compose
enp3s0-1::lan input11::kana input32::kana
enp3s0-2::lan input11::numlock input32::numlock
enp3s0-3::lan input11::scrolllock input32::scrolllock
we are looking for vendor::kbd_backlight
, in our case asus::kbd_backlight
Lest check possible light modes
cat /sys/class/leds/asus::kbd_backlight/max_brightness
Now you can control them editing this file directly by nano
, or use brightnessctl
brightnessctl --device='asus::kbd_backlight' info
Device 'asus::kbd_backlight' of class 'leds':
Current brightness: 0 (0%)
Max brightness: 3
brightnessctl --device='asus::kbd_backlight' set 1