How to set wallpaper for many monitors with i3 and feh?
Firstly you need to install feh
yay -S feh
Then you need to create a directory for your wallpapers. For example:
mkdir -p ~/.config/bg
Then you need to download some wallpapers. For example:
I prefer to use For example:
Then we can cut it in gimp to backgrounds for each monitor. I calling thm bg1.jpg
, bg2.jpg
, bg3.jpg
etc. and put them in ~/.config/bg
Then you can set them as wallpaper with feh
feh --recursive --bg-scale ~/.config/bg
finally to persist result you can add this command to your ~/.config/i3/config
nano ~/.config/i3/config
add line:
exec --no-startup-id feh --recursive --bg-scale /home/daniel/.config/bg