Ranger customization to copy file content with xcopy!
Problem: Ranger doesn’t have shortcut for copy of file content. It was planned in release v1.9.4 https://github.com/ranger/ranger/milestone/2 in issue https://github.com/ranger/ranger/issues/1525 and there is open PR https://github.com/ranger/ranger/pull/1831 but release was delayed, what was discussed here https://github.com/ranger/ranger/issues/2702
So now we will solve this problem manually. First copy ranger config
ranger --copy-config=rc
we will see that config was stored in file
so lets open it
nano ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf
and add lines
# Custom
map yc shell cat %p | xclip -sel clip
Now navigate to text file in ranger and type
Finally navigate to other app and paste copied content.