Svelte snake deployed on deno
svelte snake deno

Svelte snake deployed on deno

Svelte Snake is a simple game written in Svelte. It's deployed on Deno, a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.

Daniel Gustaw_

Daniel Gustaw_

• 9 min read

Rust implementation of RFC 7396 - JSON Merge Patch
json rfc rust

Rust implementation of RFC 7396 - JSON Merge Patch

Rust's speed and reliability make it ideal for implementing JSON Merge Patch, as defined in RFC 7396. This specification enables efficient and safe partial updates to JSON documents.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 10 min read

Tutorial for ESM + CommonJS package creators
esm cjs typescript

Tutorial for ESM + CommonJS package creators

There is intense debate in the JS community on dropping CommonJS or using dual packages. I've curated key links and written a tutorial for dual package publishing.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 7 min read

How to Install Yay on a Pure Arch Linux Docker Image
linux arch docker

How to Install Yay on a Pure Arch Linux Docker Image

Yay installation require few steps like user creation, base-devel and git installation, change in /etc/sudousers, cloning yay repo and makepkg on it. This posts covering this process steps by steps.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 3 min read

Simplifying Linux Command Line with GPT-CLI (rust, open source)
gpt rust cli

Simplifying Linux Command Line with GPT-CLI (rust, open source)

Run linux commands with natural language. Eg.: 'show my graphic card' instead 'lspci | grep VGA', open source project written in rust

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 4 min read

tRPC - super fast development cycle for fullstack typescript apps
trpc websocket authorization

tRPC - super fast development cycle for fullstack typescript apps

We building tRPC client and server with query, mutation, authentication and subscriptions. Authentication for websocket can be tricky and it is in this case so there are presented three approaches to solve this problem.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 15 min read

How to install MongoDB 6 on Fedora 37
mongodb fedora linux

How to install MongoDB 6 on Fedora 37

Mongodb 6 installation on Fedora Linux 37. Article shows lacking fragment of official docs and two steps after installation that are presented in extremely simple way in comparison to other sources.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 2 min read

QuickSort implementation in Rust, Typescript and Go
quicksort rust google

QuickSort implementation in Rust, Typescript and Go

Master QuickSort with our in-depth guide and implementation examples in three popular programming languages, and sort large datasets quickly and efficiently.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 5 min read

ZeroMQ pull-push pattern for Node JS
queue nodejs

ZeroMQ pull-push pattern for Node JS

The article emphasizes ZeroMQ's flexibility for messaging in Node.js, highlighting the pull-push pattern ideal for high-volume distributed systems.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 3 min read

New Google Identity in Nuxt 3

New Google Identity in Nuxt 3

New Google Identity installation for Nuxt 3 with credentials verification in fastify.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 6 min read

Selected syntax in JavaScript ES2020, ES2021 and ES2022
javascript es6

Selected syntax in JavaScript ES2020, ES2021 and ES2022

Nullish coalescing, Optional chaining, Proxies, Private fields, allSettled, BigInt, Dynamic Import, replaceAll, Numeric Separators, matchAll, Logical Assignment, Top level await

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 19 min read

CodinGame: Best fit to data - Rust - Regression Analysis
regression rust mathematics

CodinGame: Best fit to data - Rust - Regression Analysis

Linear and logarithmic regressions were derived here. Models were fitted in rust language. This article shows that sometimes it's worth improving the theoretical model before starting implementation.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 6 min read

CodinGame: Derivative Time - Part 1, Recursion (Typescript)
recursion typescript codingame

CodinGame: Derivative Time - Part 1, Recursion (Typescript)

Solution of CodinGame exercise. Simple recursion example with typescript. Formula representation inspired by lisp.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 16 min read

CodinGame: Quaternion Multiplication - Rust, NodeJS - Parsing, Algebra
quaternion rust nodejs

CodinGame: Quaternion Multiplication - Rust, NodeJS - Parsing, Algebra

In this article, we will see how to implement the multiplication of quaternions in Rust and NodeJS. You will learn about parsing and algebra.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 17 min read

CodinGame: ASCI Art - Rust, NodeJs - Strings, Arrays, Loops
asci rust nodejs

CodinGame: ASCI Art - Rust, NodeJs - Strings, Arrays, Loops

Solving this puzzle teaches how to manage strings and array arithmetics. You'll know how to split a string into separate parts and concatenate them into a new one. You can use indexes of arrays

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 9 min read

Overload Signatures in Typescript
typescript signatures javascript

Overload Signatures in Typescript

In TypeScript, we can specify a function that can be called in different ways by writing overload signatures. You can use this to define functions with returned type dependent from arguments values.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 2 min read

Login by Metamask - Rest Backend in Fastify (Node, Typescript, Prisma)
metamask fastify nodejs

Login by Metamask - Rest Backend in Fastify (Node, Typescript, Prisma)

We building from scratch rest api in fastify using mongodb connected by prisma as database, jest as test framework and etherjs to verify signatures signed by metamask.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 21 min read

Login Component in Nuxt (Rest Strapi)
nuxt strapi login

Login Component in Nuxt (Rest Strapi)

Simple example of login page in nuxt3 written as base to copy and paste in many similar projects.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 4 min read

Maximum Inequality [Linear Search] rust and typescript
linear-search rust nodejs

Maximum Inequality [Linear Search] rust and typescript

Simple hackeartch task solved in node js and rust. You con compare these two languages on example of this problem. I recommend to solve it independently before reading solutions.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 6 min read

Pulumi - Infrastructure as a Code [ Digital Ocean ]
pulumi iac deployment

Pulumi - Infrastructure as a Code [ Digital Ocean ]

With Pulumi you can define your it infrastructure in your file described by your favourite programming language. This article shows how to do it.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 9 min read

Last Occurrence [Linear Search] easy
rust linear search easy

Last Occurrence [Linear Search] easy

Find and print the index of the last occurrence of element in the array.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 2 min read

Analysis of Zipf's Law in Node.js
nodejs zipf typescript

Analysis of Zipf's Law in Node.js

Learn how to read large files in Node.js, count word occurrences using the Map object, and handle memory limits.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 6 min read

Retry Policy - How to Handle Random, Unpredictable Errors
typescript nodejs error

Retry Policy - How to Handle Random, Unpredictable Errors

Learn how to make random, unreproducible errors no longer a threat to your program.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 6 min read

Publishing an update of the package in the AUR repository
arch aur linux

Publishing an update of the package in the AUR repository

Learn how to publish package updates in the Arch Linux user repository.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 3 min read

Least Common Multiple - Number Theory
javascript numbers-therory mathematica

Least Common Multiple - Number Theory

Solution to the "Archery" problem from the "Number Theory" section of "Hacker Earth". The task is to determine the least common multiple of a sequence of numbers.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 4 min read

How to configure SSL in local development
ssl https security

How to configure SSL in local development

Setting up an https connection on the localhost domain can be challenging if you're doing it for the first time. This post is a very detailed tutorial with all the commands and screenshots.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 12 min read

Another installation guide for Arch Linux (i3)
arch linux

Another installation guide for Arch Linux (i3)

Installing Arch Linux teaches me something new every time about disks, networks, and operating systems. I recommend it to you if you want a system tailored to your needs.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 15 min read

Bolt (always) Lite - MITM, Proxy, Insomnia and Vue
attack hacking bolt

Bolt (always) Lite - MITM, Proxy, Insomnia and Vue

hack allowing to order bolt lite using man in the middle attack on app

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 5 min read

Benford's Law for the Fibonacci Sequence in Java, Rust, and Node JS
rust java nodejs

Benford's Law for the Fibonacci Sequence in Java, Rust, and Node JS

Programs written in Java, Rust, and Node JS compete in checking the distribution of the first digits of the Fibonacci sequence. See how they are similar, how they differ, and how their performance depends on the length of the sequence.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 19 min read

Process Control in Node JS
nodejs cpu

Process Control in Node JS

Learn how to create and kill child processes in Node JS, dynamically manage their quantity, and conduct bidirectional communication with them.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 16 min read

Xss attack using script style and image
xss hacking attack

Xss attack using script style and image

Learn how to infect a page using an XSS attack with the script, style, or image tags. You can see how to replace the content of the page with your own even without javascript.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 4 min read

Broadcast Channel API
web-api broadcast channel

Broadcast Channel API

This post shows how to use the Broadcast Channel API to send data between browser tabs or windows without using a server and sockets.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 11 min read

Analysis of the frequency of altcoin names in the English language corpus
maxdata typescript

Analysis of the frequency of altcoin names in the English language corpus

The aim of the article is to show how to filter out from all cryptocurrency names those that do not appear in natural language.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 12 min read

The impact of indexing on search performance in MySQL database
mathematica mysql profiling

The impact of indexing on search performance in MySQL database

Using indexes speeds up searches and increases table size while slowing down modifications. The article shows how to profile queries and measure the impact of indexes on search performance.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 15 min read

Scraping the most popular Twitter accounts
twitter cheerio scraping

Scraping the most popular Twitter accounts

Thanks to observing Twitter posts, we can track various trends. In this entry, I will show how to download data about accounts on this service and select those that have the highest influence ratio.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 7 min read

How to create a free email account with custom domain?
mail yandex email

How to create a free email account with custom domain?

In this article, you will learn how to create a free email with a custom domain. I've shown how to configure Yandex with your DNS.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 1 min read

Telegram Bot in Typescript
telegram bot typescript

Telegram Bot in Typescript

Learn how to create a bot on Telegram, add command listening to it, and configure notification sending.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 3 min read

Application with FOSUserBundle and Google Maps API
symfony fosuserbundle google maps

Application with FOSUserBundle and Google Maps API

A simple app integrating the fos user bundle with Google Maps. The service allows for logging in, registration, and saving your list of locations validated by the Google API.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 45 min read

Installation of a renewable TLS certificate (certbot + apache on Ubuntu)
https ssl certbot

Installation of a renewable TLS certificate (certbot + apache on Ubuntu)

There are many methods to obtain a certificate that allows encrypting HTTP traffic. One of them is installing Certbot and using it in conjunction with the Apache server.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 2 min read

Data scraping in Perl
perl scraping

Data scraping in Perl

The article presents a simple scraper written in Perl 5. Despite handling three data records, its code is remarkably short.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 11 min read

Compilation of PHP 7 interpreter in BunsenLabs
php compilation bunsenlabs

Compilation of PHP 7 interpreter in BunsenLabs

Compilation is a process that sometimes requires installing packages or linking dependencies. In this case, the task was to deliver php7 to a system that did not have it in the available repositories.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 8 min read

Analysis of Apache logs with GoAccess
spa mustache log

Analysis of Apache logs with GoAccess

In this post, I show a tool that allows you to extract interesting information from files automatically generated during server operation.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 20 min read

Tesseract-OCR and testing selects.
mysql behat perl

Tesseract-OCR and testing selects.

We will read the content of the database table from the photo and write a few tests for database queries in Behat.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 25 min read

Visualization of a dynamic correlation network.
python stock visualisation

Visualization of a dynamic correlation network.

Python script for visualizing the dynamics of the relationship between financial instruments measured by correlation.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 16 min read

Data logging in MySql, Ajax, and Behat
ajax mysql selenium

Data logging in MySql, Ajax, and Behat

We will write a simple web application - a calculator. Using it as an example, we will show how to configure selenium with behat and perform automated tests on it.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 14 min read

Scraping Facebook in 2021

Scraping Facebook in 2021

The article aims to familiarize the reader with the method for scraping the Facebook portal after the layout update.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 18 min read

Fetch, Promise and Template String on example of To Do List in JavaScript
js es6 html

Fetch, Promise and Template String on example of To Do List in JavaScript

This simple project is great as an introduction to JavaScript programming. The emphasis is on ES6 elements and the frontend.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 13 min read

We squeeze data from PDF like juice from a lemon

We squeeze data from PDF like juice from a lemon

In this post, we will show how to conveniently extract data from PDF files by writing really minimal amounts of code.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 7 min read

Communication between Vue components in Meteor
vue meteor

Communication between Vue components in Meteor

There is few methods of sending data between unrelated vue components. Some of these are universal, other typical for vue, another for Meteor. We compare all of them.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 10 min read

How many families can fit on the plane - an algorithmics problem

How many families can fit on the plane - an algorithmics problem

We compare two solutions to the problem of counting free sets of adjacent seats. You will learn how to use Profiling and how much difference the use of pop and shift makes on arrays in js.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 12 min read

Scraping WordPress - 4300 court rulings in exchange rate lawsuits without a line of code
wordpress scraping

Scraping WordPress - 4300 court rulings in exchange rate lawsuits without a line of code

It is not often that the execution of a service takes longer than its pricing, but with scraping, this can happen. See how easy it can be to retrieve data, especially from WordPress.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 2 min read

How the war for compatibility shaped the frontend?

How the war for compatibility shaped the frontend?

We describe how deprecation and maintaining backward compatibility have influenced the direction of web technology development.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 5 min read

Ruby on Rails - quick introduction
rails ruby

Ruby on Rails - quick introduction

Introduction to Ruby on Rails presenting CRUD, database relations, mailer, and web sockets communication.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 12 min read

Git styled calendar with custom dates

Git styled calendar with custom dates

git styled calendar created from list of dates saved as csv file

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 2 min read

Infrastructure as Code (Terraform + Digital Ocean)

Infrastructure as Code (Terraform + Digital Ocean)

In this post, I show how to set up servers using the terraform command line.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 3 min read

Calculating the Difference Between JSON Files
diff i18next

Calculating the Difference Between JSON Files

Learn how to find missing translations in JSON files with dictionaries.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 3 min read

Scraping of the Pharmacy Register

Scraping of the Pharmacy Register

Data administrators hate it. See how by entering two commands in the console he downloaded the register of all pharmacies in Poland.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 7 min read

How to download contact data for 20k lawyers in an hour

How to download contact data for 20k lawyers in an hour

Discover the parallel scraping technique that can significantly speed up data retrieval.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 16 min read

Scraping from in 30 lines of code.
libor mongo scraping

Scraping from in 30 lines of code.

See a simple case study of downloading and processing data from a paginated table.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 8 min read

Data Structuring on the Example of CHF NBP Course
csv typescript parcel

Data Structuring on the Example of CHF NBP Course

Learn how to write code that normalizes and structures data based on a case study in the field of finance.

Daniel Gustaw

Daniel Gustaw

• 27 min read